Instant EstimateExtensions
How many storeys?
We can provide instant estimates for one and two storey extensions.
Estimating project area using Google Maps
First, right-click on the starting point and select Measure distance on the menu that pops up. You’ll want to choose a corner of the project area.
Click on your second destination on the map. Once this point is selected, Maps will automatically show a popup with the distance between both points.
Take a note of this distance, and then right click to clear the measurement.
Measure the next side of the building/area. Repeat the steps above for the other axis of the building.
Once complete, simply multiply the two distances by each other which will give you a meter squared area you can use in the estimator above.
In this example, it would be 11.16 x 8.94 = 99.77 m2
It’s important to note that while this may be a useful way to gauge a rough idea of project area, it’s by no means the most accurate. If you can, use a tape measure to measure up properly.